Sweet Tooth? Salty Weakness?

If you have a SWEET TOOTH and need some alternatives to high fat or processed candy or desserts try dark chocolate. It is healthier than milk chocolate not only because there is less fat and sugar added but also because dark chocolate has a higher percentage of cocoa bean. Cocoa beans contain flavonoids which are powerful antioxidants. Not only do antioxidants provide anti-inflammatory effects throughout the body, they are also thought to decrease the occurrence of cancers and cardiovascular disease. Try to limit your chocolate intake to 70% or greater dark chocolate and only 2-3 ounces daily. Fruit is another great sweet treat; frozen grapes and berries are fun to eat too! All fruit sorbet in small portions is a great alternative to ice cream at the end of the day.
If you are more of a SALTY WEAKNESS and need alternatives to chips and high fat chex mixes try homemade pita chips (see previous post) or small portions of nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews, etc). Most nuts are very healthy fats rich with minerals and vitamins. They are high in fat nonetheless so portion control is very important. One quarter to one half cup of nuts of any variety should be a daily max. A quarter cup of whole raw almonds daily has been shown in studies to decrease cholesterol. If you have heart failure or high blood pressure and have been told to watch your sodium/salt intake then try spicing your nuts on your own. Commercially roasted nuts deplete the nut of much of its beneficial vitamins and minerals. Buy bulk whole, raw nuts and put in the oven on low temperatures like 250 degrees until you smell the nuts or they warm enough to "sweat" their own oils just slightly. Take advantage of that oil and toss with curry powder, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, or black pepper.