I recently spent a day at a silent, mindfullness mediation retreat. This included a lunch
hour where we were encouraged to eat mindfully. With no eye contact and no speaking or reading or looking at clocks or phones, we all dispersed to begin our lunch. Without all the other typical distractions of life my senses exploded. The color, texture, smell, and taste of my food was center-stage. I was also able to keep a close connection to my feeling of hunger and fullness to actually properly cue myself when to continue and when to stop eating. The tastes danced on my tongue and I could distinguish sweet, salty, bitter, nutty, tart and
enjoy each bite. Now this is quite a contrast from the usual meal when we often try to read something, check email, talk on the phone, speak to friends/family. While I think this would be the ultimate way to eat each meal it clearly isn't always possible. With the memory of lunch that day I have challenged myself and will also challenge you to eat mindfully as often as possible and at least one meal daily. Slow down, enjoy the food, consider what you are putting into your body.